Our dacha is 35 km (about 20 miles) outside of Krasnoyarsk.
There is one room and a "kitchen" downstairs and a second room upstairs
Downstairs room. We decorated it with lots of the kids old paintings (as a rule anything old goes to the dacha to live out it's last days)
Upstairs room
For most people dachas are for growing things, we look at ours more as a place to relax and get away from the city and the polution.
That's why we have a climbing frame and sand pit, instead of plant beds.
Now that I have finished building the climbing frame (after only six years)
I am turning my hand to making raised beds.
This summer we dug out the top layer of grass and sowed clover, we used the turf to make
raised beds
raised beds
You can run around,
play in the pool
take pictures
Climb a tree
In the evening we like to watch films by candlelight!